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When we pray, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
When we pray for healing for you or one you have made known to us, we see the prayer recipient as strong, free, alive, and healed. We envision the person with head erect and back straight, with arms and legs swinging freely, eyes shining, ears alert, and the whole being radiant with good health.
When we pray for prosperity for you or one you have made known to us, we realize that with God there is no lack, that His love is bountiful. We feel that even as we pray together the prayer recipient is quickened with good, sound, productive ideas and guided to take the outer steps necessary towards prosperity.
When we pray for understanding, love, or companionship for you or one you have made known to us, we see the prayer recipient enfolded in God's love. This love will make the individual a magnet for the good friends and companions desired.
When we pray for you or one you have made known to us for any condition, we do not focus on the negative condition. We focus on the individual's innate Christhood. In prayer we attempt to see all things, circumstances, and people in the Light of God's Truth.
-UCOR Website February 2020
The Lending Library on the lower level of the Church is filled with a wide selection of books, including Unity classic titles and other Truth-related New Thought books.
Positive Pages Bookstore carries a large selection of Truth Unity publications, New Thought philosophy, self-help, classic spirituality, and healing books to open your mind.
The Prayer Room is open as a space for Meditation and Silence
Hours for the above are Monday-Thursday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Looking for an Inspiration right now? Call Unity Church of Rochester's Dial-A-Prayer Line
24 hours a day, 365 days a year at